Dane Cook is hands down til this day one of the funniest Observational Humorist/Stand Up Comics that ever was.  He has a way of incorporating details about his life that every one in the audience can relate to in one way or another.  

Dane’s imagination is incomparable when it comes to how far the crowd allows him to take it without booing.  It’s easy to trust where he’s leading you in a story, because there’s no punch line really.  Just Dane’s truth and all you can think when he’s telling you the story is omg, I know he’s going to say something crazy!   I myself started listening to Dane Cook my Senior year and that was 2003, so his comedy has been corrupting me every since.  It somewhat molded how I interpret my imagination.  “Harmful If Swallowed” was the first full “stand up” I heard of Dane Cook’s and I posted it below.. 


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